A team building event within a human resources group that sits
within a large, liberal, progressive western corporation is typically not the
sort of place one sees many opportunities for sharing the gospel. But on occasion, it is. Rare occasions indeed. And this was just one of those occasions. I want to share this recent
experience with you as an encouragement to always be on the lookout for ways to
share the gospel.
In a team exercise, we were handed a card with two questions
on it that we had to answer with a partner that we had selected. My card read: “What
is your favorite quote?” “Why?” The challenge was that we were not given any
time to think about it. We had to respond within seconds of reading the card.
So, I read the card, swallowed hard, and said to my colleague: “For God so
loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son so that those who believe in
him would not perish but have everlasting life.”
My colleague responded: Wow. Why is that your favorite
I said, it’s simple really! I am a Christian and I believe
that all human beings are created by God and for God’s glory. Nothing glorifies
God like the love demonstrated in the crucifixion of Christ. It is the epitome of
love. There is no love like that love.
My colleague stated: Well…I don’t know about that. There are
people all over the world throughout history who have made the ultimate sacrifice,
giving their own lives for the life of someone else or for a cause they deemed
greater than their own life.
My response: That is indeed true. But I know you have child
as do I. I have four. But let me ask you this question: you may be willing to
give your life for the life of another or a cause. But can you imagine ever
being willing to give up the life of your child for someone else or for a
greater cause?
My colleague: stunned silence.
The speaker then interrupted us and the exercise was over.
What if we had another 2 minutes? I would have asked my
colleague if she could ever imagine giving her child’s life for the life of
someone who was evil, wicked, a child-molester, murderer, thief? Because that
is exactly what God did. And there is no greater love, no love more profound or
stunning as that love!
There are opportunities for evangelism all around you. The
first step is to be aware. Have an evangelism mindset, a
gospel-sharing-proclaiming outlook.
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