Make no mistake
about it, wolves are real and they have an agenda: to rip Christians and their beliefs
to shreds. Satan is described in Scripture as a roaring lion that walks around
seeking whom he may devour. The reality of false teachers is everywhere. And
the obvious reality of the situation is that it is getting worse by the minute.
There are a number of Christian teachers with seemingly positive images in the
Church, being endorsed or seemingly endorsed by good men. These men fail to
understand, or they seem to fail to understand that it is criminal to send a
child out into the woods filled with blood-thirsty wolves. And it is just as
criminal, even more so, to send naïve Christians into woods filled with the
likes of false teachers that liter the evangelical landscape today.
The common denominator among all these wolves is “self.” The
wolf is interested only in feeding himself, on your flesh, without mercy. These
ministries all begin with men, place man at the center, and end with man as the
final judge.
The above teachers are engaged in a variety of heresies and
heterodoxy. These heresies range from the heresy of anti-trinitarian modalism
to the corrupt and greed-filled word of faith movement. These teachers can be
found ignoring God’s mandate for male leadership, human sexuality, and even the
basic exclusivity of the gospel. And yet, for some reason, our pastors fail to
warn their churches about them openly, you know, like Paul did. Christians,
even in solid churches continue to attend their conferences, buy their books,
and subscribe to many of their false teachings. For some reason, modern
Christians see no danger in dancing with these wolves. T.D. Jakes teaches a
heretical view of the nature of God and many modern Christians downplay this,
shrugging their shoulders and saying, something like:
Is it any wonder that modern American evangelicals don’t
take heresy and heterodoxy seriously? They have been taught by men like Rick
Warren for years now that doctrine doesn’t matter. That relationships are all
that matters. My former pastor, Rob Decker in a disagreement with me over
confronting open sin in the church told me he was not the church’s Holy Spirit.
Another pastor I know refused to discipline a woman in the case of illicit
divorce because he thought it might split the church. These men are builders of
their own little empires. They seem to care far more about preserving their
kingdoms, and expanding those kingdoms than they do the spiritual health of the
community. A weak church can hardly stand up to the secularism we see sweeping
our culture at the present moment. But I am far more concerned with the
secularism sweeping the church. We are dancing with wolves and no one seems to
Thank God for men like John MacArthur, Scott Oliphint, John Frame, Paul Washer, Phil Johnson, and others. These men are like this man:
When the wolf circles, they respond like the men of God they are! What will you do?