Satanic Origins
Heresy is a break from unity in
Christ. To be specific, it is a break from the truth that binds us together in
Christ. From the beginning, heresy has served up death and destruction on the
human race since the father, and first heretic, Satan, introduced it. Satan
created a schism between himself and God. Essentially, he rejected God’s truth.
He substituted his own word in place of God’s word. Jesus said he was a liar
from the beginning. Jesus also said, “unless you believe I am He, you will die
in your sin.” (Jn. 8:24) Literally, the text says unless you believe that I AM,
you will die in your sins. The Satanic alternative to the words of Christ is a
rejection of Christ, His Word, and His truth. That reject may be dressed up as
a partial acceptance. But a partial acceptance of God and of Christ and of
God’s Word is a rejection of God and His truth. In its place, the heretic
supplies his own self, his own word, and his own truth.

Satan separated himself from God
along with the angels that followed his thought process. Additionally, he drove
a wedge between God and man by asking man to reason independently, apart from
God. Man adopted his own self, word, and truth as his final standard,
exchanging the truth of God for a lie. Paul tells us that the minds of the
ungodly are blinded by Satan to do his will. (2 Cor. 4:4) Christians are
commanded to take every thought captive to the obedience of Christ (1 Cor.
10:3-5) Elders are told to reject, avoid, have no care for, and to push away a
heretic after a first and second warning. (Titus 3:10) Heretics seek to
contradict God’s truth and in so doing, they seek to destroy it. The point of
this paragraph is that Christians have to take heretics more seriously than
they have in recent years. They are enemies of God and of Christ and they seek
to destroy the Christian faith. They are not sincere Christians that love Jesus
with whom we have a casual and insignificant disagreement.
False Prophets
Deut. 18:29 lays down the punishment
for heretical prophets who come bearing a false word as if from God. When the
prophet claims that this truth is God’s truth and it turns out not to be God’s
truth, that prophet shall die. The Torah dealt harshly with heretics. Satan
offered up an alternative to divine truth and was cast out of heaven. Adam and
Eve thought they could substitute their own truth in place of God’s truth and
introduced death upon all their progeny. Prophets that offered an alternative
truth under the law were executed under divine law. Moreover, Deut. 13:5
instructs Israel to execute any prophet that gives counsel that contradicts
divine law. God views ungodly beliefs and advice as counsel to violate His
revealed will, His divine command. Hence, when we hear men like “Dan” advise us
that God honors gay marriage and gay sex when Scripture clearly forbids it, we
see Dan providing counsel to people that is perfectly justifiable to rebel
against God. Our response cannot be one of a mere casual shrugging of the
shoulders and agreeing to disagree. The situation is far more serious than
that. In both the Old and the New Testaments, the heretics were purged from the
community of faith. So must they be in today’s church.
False Apostles & Teachers
The ancient Christian apostle,
Peter, issues an ominous warning to his audience in his second letter: But false prophets also arose among the
people, just as there will also be false teachers among you, who will secretly
introduce destructive heresies, even denying the Master who bought them,
bringing swift destruction upon themselves. Many will follow their sensuality,
and because of them the way of the truth will be maligned. (2 Peter 2:1-2) Paul
tells Timothy that false teachings will spread like cancer. (2 Tim 2:17) As an
example he mentions Hymenaeus and Philetus who have erred regarding an early
form of Preterism, claiming the resurrection had already taken place. Paul,
using the OT instance of Jannes and Jambres, informs Timothy that false
teachers, even though they invoke the name of Jesus, oppose the truth, are men
of depraved minds, and are rejected in regard to the faith. (2 Tim. 2:8) Paul
uses the metaphor “savage wolves” to describe false teachers: “I know that
after my departure savage wolves will come in among you, not sparing the flock.
(Acts 20:29)

Paul warned the Corinthians about
false apostles, saying,
“For such men are
false apostles, deceitful workers, disguising themselves as apostles of Christ.
No wonder, for even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light. Therefore it
is not surprising if his servants also disguise themselves as servants of
righteousness, whose end will be according to their deeds.” (2 Cor.
11:13-15) These men actually look like apostles of Christ. They wear the same
disguise as the true apostles wear. But upon closer examination, they are
exposed. Jesus said that many would come in His name saying that they were one
of His, and claiming that they embraced and proclaimed His message. But they
are liars, fakes, and pretenders according to Jesus. In the end, it is those
who hear His word and do it that are the true teachers and followers of Christ.
(See Matthew 7) The point here is that the NT documents are filled with Christ
and His apostles identifying again and again false teachers and their teachers
and correcting those ungodly ideas with the truth of God with the message of
God that has been reduced to the written text. That written text is the only
protection we have to keep us safe from error that damns and condemns the soul.
Perhaps now it is easy to see why the false teachers, the liberal pastors and
scholars, continually focus their main efforts around contradicting
Christianity by attempting to weaken or discredit the Scripture, contradicting
it, and leading people to believe it is not God’s word, it is not authoritative,
it is not binding, and there is no single interpretation to which the Christian
is obligated.
Early Heresies
The “Ancient Roman Symbol” R stands out as a witness to the
attitude of the church concerning the serious nature of heresy and false
conversion. Moreover, it points up to the remarkable emphasis that the ancient
church placed on sound belief and the confessions required of new converts even
at their baptism. This practice served as the basis for what would eventually
become the Apostles Creed. The volume
of competing ideas and non-Christian influences were just as enormous for that
culture as they are for any culture today. It is essential that the modern
churches continue to take measures to ensure that such leaven does not make its
way into the community. For, if it does, as Paul said, it will spread like a
One of the fiercest battles over
truth and the gospel in the ancient Church was that of a Judaizing effort
within Christian circles. As one can imagine, since most Christians in the
earliest times were Jews, the dangers of Jewish influences within the Christian
community were ever present. The number of different strains varied from
Ebionism to Essenianism to Elxaism. These systems involved errors that ranged
from of law-based salvation to aberrant views of the nature of Christ. The dangers were so real that Paul pronounced
an anathema on anyone found guilty of preaching a gospel contrary to the one he
had published and peached. Can you imagine what the results would have been if
the attitude of the Church was similar to men like “Ted?” These are all
opinions of equal weight and therefore, each man is free to think as he
pleases? There is no set of authoritative teachings providing the basis by
which we, as Christians, must form our beliefs.
Another very early heresy that also
contained many tentacles was called Gnosticism. “The Gnostics would take any
doctrine that they found valuable, without any regard for its origin or for the
context from which it was taken. When they came to know early Christianity and
saw its great appeal, they attempted to take those aspects of Christianity
which seemed most valuable to them and adapt them to their systems.” [Gonzalez,
A History of Christian Thought, Vol. I]
Just as exists today, there was a
dualistic tendency in some early heretics. Marcion comes to mind. Gonzalez
calls it “an exaggerated Paulinism.” Marcion held radical views, such as his
belief that the God of the NT was a different God of the OT. He held a negative
view of the OT Scripture. Are these sounding familiar? The gay, anti-Christian
movement espoused by “Ted” makes the exact same move. Both Marcion and Ted
destroy the God of the OT. Marcion destroys it literally while “Ted” destroys
it literarily. But each man’s view has the same devastating consequences.
This particular heresy is a bit
more complex. It can typically be divided into two aspects of a similar effort:
Dynamic Monarchianism and Modalist Monarchianism. Dynamic Monarchianism
basically viewed Christ as a mere man and was close to Ebionism in that
respect. Modalist Monarchianism took the nature of Christ a different
direction. The divinity of Christ was identified with the Father. This view
eventually was adopted by its most famous proponent, Sebellius and became more
widely known as Sebellianism. The church at Rome condemned dynamic
Monarchianism, in 195 AD. Dionysius, bishop of Rome, condemned Sebellianism in
262 AD.
Logical Preconditions of Heresy

I want to talk about the necessary
and sufficient conditions for heresy. First, the necessary condition for heresy
is that truth exists. If truth did not exist, heresy could not exist. In order
for heresy to exist, it is necessary for truth to exist. Truth then is a
necessary condition for heresy. But the mere existence of truth is not a sufficient
condition for heresy just as being a woman is not a sufficient condition for
being a mother. A sufficient condition for heresy is that one adopts a
contradictory view to certain kinds of truth. Unless certain kinds of truth
exist, and unless men are capable of adopting contradictory views to these
truths, it follows that sufficient conditions for heresy would not exist.
Moreover, if this were the state of affairs that has obtained, heresy would not
be possible. But we know, according to Scripture, that not only is heresy
possible, but that it exists, and it has existed from the earliest times in the
history of Christianity. Moreover, we know that if heresy existed, then
necessary and sufficient conditions for it must have existed.
Upon close examination of views
like that put forth by men like “Ted” (see the com box in my previous blogs for
his real name), we discover that sufficient conditions for heresy would be
impossible. Ted’s denial of the binding and authoritative nature of Scripture
is a denial of the very kinds of truth that make heresy possible. In other
words, Ted’s argument eliminates heresy as a viable option from human behavior.
The reduction of all truth to mere subjective, non-binding opinions is to
remove any and all sufficient conditions for the existence of heresy. However,
since heresy existed in the time of Christ and His apostles, we know that such
a move is not philosophically plausible, logically coherent, and most
importantly, it is not consistence with the unambiguous teachings and events
recorded in Scripture.
What men like “Ted” do is not
really the denial of absolute truth. If you read Ted’s argument and accusations
of me, you will see a clear self-refutation emerge. Ted is merely exchanging
one authority for another. He is not denying all authority, practically
speaking anyways. He is replacing biblical authority with his own set of
beliefs. That is not difficult to see, at least for the non-Ted’s that are
reading the discussion. Ted is exchanging the truth of God for the truth of
Ted. And his descriptions of me reflect deeply on Ted’s convictions that his
views not only apply to him, but they extend to me. Moreover, Ted’s accusations
of me show that Ted at least thinks his views transcend humanity and apply
equally to all those in my category. So we also see in Ted the unavoidable
logical end of self-refutation. This is why I referred to Ted as a walking contradiction.
The Ignorance of Ignoring Heresy
Modern cultures, due to the
pervasive infection of postmodern relativism within them, cannot be trusted to
provide the appropriate response to heresy or heretics. The notion that man is
the measure of all things, even in the backhanded sort of way Ted suggests, is
insufficient in its ability to deal with the seriousness of damnable dogma. Far
too often, local churches and entire denominations, being influenced by the
academy and the so-called sophistication of modern biblical scholarship,
downgrade the heresy of false doctrine that the ancient Christian apostle Paul
himself, compared to the deadly disease of cancer. As a matter of fact, the
downgrade of heresy, far from advancing the Christian ethic, and enriching
Christian knowledge, more often than not, ends in disastrous consequences.
Indeed, if we continue to extend this strategy, such policies will inevitable
result in the total eradication of biblical Christianity.
In short, the long history of the
existence and condemnation of heresy testifies against the arrogance of
postmodern thinkers like “Ted” and Rob Bell and others. Historically, the
Church has been dealing with heresy for nearly 2,000 years. And for those who
want to soften how that practice occurs, the Church has been dealing with
heresy harshly and seriously for
nearly 2,000 years.