The condition of Christianity in many modern cultures is
anemic. The outlook for visible Christianity, at least the kind that enjoyed
considerable influence not so long ago in some western cultures is bleak. Some
have said that Christianity has had its day in the sun and finally, the fruit
of the enlightenment and the spirit of science have come into their own,
dispensing with the primitive superstitions of a religion that has been as
stubborn as they come, refusing to give up the ghost, and take its place in the
graveyard of the ignorant, the traditional, and the unenlightened. The agnostic
and the atheist are poised to take their place on the platform that once
propped up men like Augustine, Luther, Calvin, Warfield, Spurgeon, and Bavinck
just to name a few. Have we reached the end of the Christian era? Is the
Christian community really headed to the graveyard? Perhaps certain stripes of
Christianity are in danger of becoming irrelevant, insignificant, and comatose,
but the true Church will thrive and live on until her husband returns arrayed
in all His glory! What then is the phenomenon we are witnessing? Perhaps what
we are seeing is the collapse evangelicalism, or should I say, the
metamorphosis of evangelicalism.
All around us we see obvious signs of the collapse of this
movement that for so long held some sway at least in the west and especially in
American culture. I do not think one has to look very far to understand the
driving force underlying the collapse of once highly influential movement.
Many would argue however that evangelicalism is not
collapsing but rather she is finally catching up with the rest of the
enlightened. For years, the Church recognized God’s design for leadership, both
in the home and in the church. God created men to lead, both in the home as
well as in the church.
Evangelicals have finally become enlightened on the gender issues. Because of the pressure of the culture, many, if not most evangelicals have embraced the notion of gender-neutral leadership. They have managed to reshape the Scripture and adopt a hermeneutic that will allow them to claim a high view of Scripture and embrace modern cultural practices that reject it. Hence, the biblical teaching on male leadership is entirely dismissed.
Evangelicals have finally become enlightened on the gender issues. Because of the pressure of the culture, many, if not most evangelicals have embraced the notion of gender-neutral leadership. They have managed to reshape the Scripture and adopt a hermeneutic that will allow them to claim a high view of Scripture and embrace modern cultural practices that reject it. Hence, the biblical teaching on male leadership is entirely dismissed.
Most evangelicals have a low view of marriage. Now, I am not
speaking about the scholars or even the theologians. I am speaking about the
common churchgoer and even the pastors. Illicit divorce is tolerated without as
much as a flinch from the leaders and the churches. Men and women can leave
their spouse, and destroy their families, all in the name of “falling out of
love” or an exaggerated claim of emotional abuse. How often do such
circumstances lead to the biblical practice of Church discipline? Almost never!
Hence, the biblical teaching on marriage and divorce is ipso facto ignored
Promiscuity is another issue that plagues evangelicals,
especially the young people. Evangelicals still give sexual sin the lip-service
it deserves, but that is about it. In a survey conducted in 2013, 45%
evangelicals between the ages of 18-29 admitted they were involved in a sexual
relationship. These are not people struggling to remain celibate until marriage
and who have fallen into sexual sin in the heat of the moment. These are people
who are sexually active just as the world would be sexually active. It has to
do with the heart attitude toward sexual behavior outside of marriage. It just
isn’t taken that serious any longer. In dispensing with the Christian ethic in
the area of sexual behavior, evangelicals have decided to take a very low view
of Scripture’s teaching on God’s design for sex.
Finally, evangelicals are beginning to slip on other issues,
such as homosexuality, the exclusive truth-claims of Christianity, the view
that Jesus is the only way to heaven, that Jesus is divine, that the Bible is
the inspired word of God, and the existence of a literal hell just to name a
few. What is the single best explanation for why evangelicals are moving from
historic Christian orthodoxy on so many issues to embrace new ideas that are
mostly the product of their respective cultures? The answer lies in the
evangelical position on Scripture.
With the renaissance and then the enlightenment came the
liberation from the supernatural, from revelation, from human tradition, from
the unscientific teachings of the Church. As science has grown in influence and
naturalistic rationalism has grown in the Church, more and more men have
shifted their source of authority from divine revelation to science and human
reason. The exaltation of science and reason has witnessed a corresponding
decrease in the evangelical view of Scripture. What seems unreasonable and
unscientific is now deemed unworthy of belief. All knowledge is empirical, and
science can explain all of human experience, or what it can’t explain only
requires a little more time. Various forms of naturalism rule the day, even if
they are determined to be utterly bankrupt when placed under the
philosophically critical spotlight. The use of science and reason are not ipso
facto bad things. The myth that faith and reason cannot get along has been
thoroughly dispelled although one would not know it by reading some
evangelicals even today.
Now, if it is true that we derive our morality from
Scripture and it is also true that Scripture cannot be trusted in all things
without hesitation then it logically follows that the force of Scripture to
inform one’s morality and consequently shape one’s community, is significantly
weakened. After all, the kind of moral demands placed on Christians by
Scripture are of the highest order. But the source of this morality has been
downgraded on so many levels recently. Many evangelicals view the Bible as just
one more self-help book whose content can be embraced or ignored depending on
the individual. Of course very few will confess this view with their mouth but
from a practical standpoint, that is precisely the manner in which most
evangelicals treat the Scripture.
It only follows that if evangelicals are Christians, then
they are people of the book. And if the book that people belong to is less than
authoritative, then one has to wonder in what sense are people really people of
the book. More accurately, where most evangelicals are concerned today, they
are not people of the book, but the book has become a book of the people, by
the people, and for the people. That is to say that it has lost its divine
nature and is rather viewed as distinctly imperfect and of human origin. The book belongs to
the people so the people can handle it however they wish. The book is by the
people, which means it is imperfect and not authoritative as we once
believed. In addition, the book is for the people in that it is a pragmatic
means to an end, a collection of self-help ideas designed simply to make me a
better spouse, parent, employee, and all around good person.
When you destroy your source of structure and authority, you
create a major vacuum. Something has to take its place if chaos is to be
avoided. When we displace Scripture as our source of authority, something else
must take its place. For many, it is continued revelation. For many, it is
human reason. For many, it is science. The charismatic claims God speaks to
them through a variety of mechanisms, apart from the authoritative revelation
that is Scripture. As a result, we witness a very high variance in doctrine
ranging from moderate error to rank heresy. Others reject Scripture everywhere
science seems to disagree with it on matters such as a young earth, our first
parents, miracles, etc. Still others subject Scripture to humanistic rationalism, and turn
Scripture into a mere product human reason making man the measure of
what is reasonable and what is not.
It could not be clearer: evangelicalism is collapsing for
the sole reason that the movement has come to reject the Bible as its sole
authority for faith and practice. And in so doing, the movement has lost its
identity, which at one time was very simple: the good news of the gospel.
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