The question of faith versus reason as a basis
for belief in God is a controversy in philosophy that seemingly has little hope
of attaining consensus any time soon. However, that does not mean that there is
no solution, nor does it mean that the solution is not clear. Like everything
else in philosophical discussions, it comes down to presuppositions and
worldviews. The answer to this question is driven by the philosopher’s basic
Space does not permit me to define and treat
each of the five subjects in the question above. However, I think it is best to
narrow the scope of this subject, focusing it on biblical faith in the God that
actually exists within Christian theism. This helps us center the question on
belief in the person of Jesus Christ as revealed in Scripture. Hence, my answer
to the question above is a very specific answer. After all, it is impossible to
provide an answer to this question unless we understand something about the God
that is the subject of our question.
The question of belief is an epistemological
question. Therefore, in order to speak to that question, we must speak to the
kind of knowledge we are talking about when we talk about human knowledge of,
or, belief in God. Reformed theology within Christian theism distinguishes
between the cognitio insita, which is
the knowledge of God implanted in every human and the cognitio acquisita, which is acquired knowledge of God.
Concerning our cognition insita, Scripture speaks to us with amazing clarity:
“For the wrath of God is revealed from
heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men who suppress the
truth in unrighteousness, because that which is known about God is evident
within them; for God made it evident to them. For since the creation of the
world His invisible attributes, His eternal power and divine nature, have been
clearly seen, being understood through what has been made, so that they are
without excuse. For even though they knew God, they did not honor Him as God or
give thanks, but they became futile in their speculations, and their foolish
heart was darkened.”[1]
There is no indication that Paul believed that man’s belief
or knowledge of God was based on human reason. There is no reason for us to
suppose that men arrive at the knowledge of God’s existence, or at belief that
God is, by way of rational argumentation. Nothing like this is implied in
Scripture either by way of didactic literature or in the narrative. According
to Christian theism, the knowledge of God is present within humanity from the
beginning. Belief that God exists is present from the very start of the
reasoning process itself. It is not as if reason is antecedent to God in the
human mind. In other words, men do not arrive at their ability to reason and
sometime after that come to their knowledge that God is. Actually, it is quit
the opposite. God is the necessary precondition of all human prediction. The
truth is that the knowledge of God is so impressed upon the mind of man that no
reasoning process exists that could deny knowledge of God in any rationally
compelling way. This is precisely Paul’s meaning when he says that men are
without a defense for their claim that the God of Christian theism does not
exist. Such a bold claim is rationally indefensible.
the incognitio acquisita, the
unbelieving mind is unwilling and incapable of acquiring true knowledge of God. Paul informs us that the natural
man does not accept the things of the Spirit of God. The reasoning process of
the unregenerate man is such that he will always pervert and twist the truth of
God he has. The noetic effect of sin on human rationality is a direct product
of the curse of God. For this reason, man’s belief in God is either based on
faith or on the inescapable knowledge of God give through natural revelation.
Man, being created in the image of God inescapably and unavoidably knows God.
However, the sinful nature of the human mind always interprets knowledge of God
in a rebellious and autonomous fashion. Man, created in God’s image seeks to
return the favor and re-create God into man’s image. Rather than man seeking to
be like God, we seek to make God like man.
We see then that belief in God for
the unbeliever and the believer alike does not come through human reason even
though belief in God is not at all unreasonable. Rather, belief in God for the
unbeliever is based on the image of God within the human person and is
therefore included in natural revelation. This belief or knowledge of God is
inescapable. On the other hand, the Christian belief in God comes as a direct
result of the work of the Holy Spirit through special revelation. It follows
then that all belief in God is the result of divine revelation. If man is to
know God, and surely he does, it is because God has disclosed Himself to man in
a way that is undeniable and inescapable.
[1] New American Standard Bible: 1995 Update
(LaHabra, CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995), Ro 1:18–21.
Very VERY good sir.